O Rio Amazonas by swo8 Blues Jazz from the album Manaus Where Two Rivers Meet in iTunes

There’s a lot happening in Brazil at the moment. There’s the political problems, the economic problems then there are the problems with the coming Olympics – on top of that, there is the Zika Virus. There seems to be no getting away form our problems. But—– after you have seen the video, play it again with your eyes closed and listen to the music. Music has a way of taking us away from the problems that plague us. 2:51 min. 2MB

23 thoughts on “O Rio Amazonas by swo8 Blues Jazz from the album Manaus Where Two Rivers Meet in iTunes

  1. Leslie it is as if you knew, I do not do snakes as I am very scared of them since once back in Zimbabwe I had an experience with a 12 foot python which I will never forget. But thank you for the reminder that no matter how ever bad the politics of any nation can be it can never spoil the beauty of the natural landscape. Thank you for sharing the clip, I have never taken to jazz music yet I enjoyed listening to the music on this clip.

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